Thursday, February 3, 2011

Buying A Guinea Pig - 3 Important Things To Bear In Mind

Deciding to purchase a guinea pig is an important decision, and it is essential that you take some time to make sure this type of pet suits you, before you go through with it. These 3 considerations are some of the most important things that you should think about before buying one, and will help ensure that you and your animal will suit each other:

How Many Should You Get?

In the wild, cavies tend to live in packs, and they must live this way in captivity too. If you buy one on its own, it will become very lonely, so you should always keep them with  at least one other guinea pig, to provide them with a bit of company. Naturally, this will affect things like the cost of ownership and how easy it is to play with them, so bear this in mind when choosing guinea pigs.

Where Should You Keep Them?

You should keep your animals inside if at all possible. This protects them from the elements, and also makes them feel like part of the family. It will encourage you to get your guinea pigs out of their cage and spend time with them more regularly, which is good for both of you. An ideal way to do this is to buy a playpen to allow them to exercise. If you have to keep your guinea pigs outdoors, it is important that you don't use the same sort of cage that you would use inside - get a purpose-built hutch and give your animals lots of cosy bedding to protect them from the cold and wind.

Do You Have Time To Spend Time With Them Frequently?

Because they are such sociable creatures, guinea pigs require lots of attention. This will help to keep them stimulated and exercised. In turn, this will make your pets more lively and more satisfying to own. If you have a very busy life and cannot find the time to play with your animals daily, you should consider choosing a different pet which doesn't take up as much of your time.

View the original article here

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